Association of English Language Initiatives Chad
bp 4046 n’djamena, republic of chad Phone +235 31 63 84 / 30 69 00 EMAIL: aelic_chad@gmail.comEditor : ALI TChoui – 9807472 sunday, april 8, 2007 - issue 1 A WORD FROM THE EDITOR: WHAT IS EXPRESSION?

EXPRESSION is the newsletter for the AELIC English Club (AEC). The AEC is a project of the Association of English Language Initiatives Chad (AELIC).
The Association of English Language Initiatives Chad, created in 2004 focuses on the promotion and development of the English language in the Republic of Chad. Through activities such as the AELIC English Club and the AELIC Library, AELIC desires to provide resources and opportunities to students of the English language.
AELIC adopted the following mission and vision statements.
Partnership, Focus and Strength
AELIC, a partnership of English initiatives, is committed to provide an effective English teaching and learning environment through proper education, cultural comprehension and moral excellence, therefore empowering individuals and communities.
Now that I have given you a brief background of AELIC, let me talk more about the EXPRESSION newsletter. EXPRESSION was developed by the members of the AELIC English Club to share, in writing, some of the subjects that are discussed during club meetings. Many of the members have many good things to say and wished to share their thoughts. Through this newsletter we will share the activities of the AELIC English club, club members can express their thoughts on various subjects, and EXPRESSION readers can keep up with AELIC developments.
We hope that you enjoy EXPRESSION and will also become a member of the AELIC English Club. The club is open to all students of the English language.
The club is held every Saturday in Moursal, in the previous building used by ACCODE (near the COPEC of Moursal).
There are two club sessions to accommodate people’s schedule;
- Morning session from 9am to 11am
- Evening session from 5pm to 6:30pm
For more information, please, contact Honore, the AELIC Local Community Contact/AELIC librarian, at 6431751.

As Chairman of AELIC, it is my role to guide AELIC in its mission and vision statements mentioned above by the editor. Therefore, in light of that role and the promotion and development of the English language in Chad the leadership of AELIC in 2005 created the AELIC library. We felt that a library would be a positive and needed resource for individuals serious about learning English. The library would be an encouragement because it would be a venue to meet other students of the English language. It would, hopefully, encourage other to start learning English.
Towards the effort of the creation and development of the library a number of individuals/supporters donated books in 2004 through 2006. The AELIC library is grateful to those who have contributed. Due to their donations we have over 1,200 books which include novels, children’s books, encyclopedias and a few beginner English learning books. There are also an assorted number of magazines. We have recently established a video section of the library with about a few dozen VHS cassettes and DVDs. In 2007, AELIC is continuing the task of seeking donations of books, magazines, and VHS cassettes/DVD in order to have a wide variety and forms of learning materials.
The library is opened from Monday to Saturday:
Morning - 9am to 12pm
Afternoon - 3pm to 6pm
You can contact the librarian, Honore at 6431751
I hope to see you at the library taking advantage of the resources or at one of the AELIC English Club meetings. AELIC has a vision and we hope you will become a part of that vision.

There are more than 20 million people infected by the HIV virus all over the world and most of those infected people are in Africa. Why do I single Africa out from other continents?
I single Africa out because we, as African, have cultures and traditional behaviors that prevent us from talking about sex with our parents, children, sisters etc. Also, because of poverty, we have many prostitutes in our cities who could not afford to live or raise their children without selling sex to those who have money. In other words those women are helpless, they have nobody to take care of them and worse they have no education.
As a piece of advice I’ll tell you to do your best not to catch HIV/AIDS as you know already the ways of transmission. You can prevent yourself from catching HIV/AIDS by:
- using condoms
- being faithful to one uninfected partner
- abstaining yourself from sex
In addition to all that circumcision can reduce 50% the chance of catching the HIV virus from unprotected sex.

First of all, by poverty we mean the “state or condition of being poor.” In other words, the lack of something necessary or desirable or lack of the means of providing material needs/comforts.
In fact, talking about poverty in Chad, we can refer to some causes I am going to list a few of them and if possible see the consequences and offer some suggestions.
One cause of poverty is the fact that most of the Chadian population is illiterate. We know that education can provide many opportunities to people to improve their standard of living. Another cause was the civil war which broke out in 1979 in which many people died and fled from Chad. This event discouraged and disappointed many people that many do not love their country. In addition to this, we have insecurity issues which lead to instability everywhere.
Secondly, the consequences are enormous, but here are some more. Moreover, many people do not want to stay in Chad and there favoritism especially with the elite. Some families do not send their children to school and they become in time street children or gunmen who commit crimes without any fear. Some people kill themselves instead of being poor that is why the number of suicides is increasing nowadays.
To add more, we have many prostitutes. For example, some ladies are sent by their parents to do this practice to bring money home in order to survive. Sometimes it is not their parents, but the girls who want to feed themselves or to be well dressed. By doing so they may get pregnant and some have abortions.
In short, the solutions to these problems are on one hand the concern of our government and the other hand the concern of everyone as human beings.
The government must create many centers of education, schools, and improve the health system for example (drinking water, modern drugs in case of emergency or accident etc.) It also has to improve the army, which means that the national army can protect anyone not according to his tribe, religion or ethnic group. The infrastructure is the key point to lead to development. The government must increase the salary of all workers and improve the agriculture and the livestock sectors.
Therefore, people, the citizens have to be creative too. That is to say they must initiate activities that can help them. They have to rely on themselves rather than relying just on the government or others to improve their conditions.
I thank you for your good comprehension and want you better your life. Simply because life is a struggle this cannot keep you from any kind of success, freedom and self reliance.
I want to share this point because there is widespread violence in the world. There are many kinds of violence (physical, sexual, mental…), but at all no one of them can be use to resolve problems.
In general the poor, weak people are the mostly the victims of violence because they don’t have defenders. For example, there is the use of violence to educate children. When these kids become older as they have already have been around violence in case of problems they just use violence.
The greatest consequence of problems resolved by violence is that there is someone who will avenge later. Then, the best way in resolving conflicts is the passive way.

Our neighborhood was so dirty last month that we decided to clean it up. In agreement all young men and women, including one white American was involved in the service. As the area is a big one, we decided to divide the group into small ones. Each group had to do an area. My group was on Friday and we planned to have the place cleaned by Saturday.
While we were working, children came and watched us. When the white American had taken the shovel from one of us and had begun working, one of the children spoke to the others in Arabic and said, “Look at the white man, he works less than black people.” Having heard what the child had said, he turned to them and spoke to them in Arabic, “What did you say? Do you think that I don’t understand Arabic? Why did you say that I work less than black people?” The child was astonished by the fact that the white man spoke Arabic. He never thought an American could understand and speak Arabic very well.
From this story, I would like to let you know that it is important to posses many languages and to be careful what you say around others; they may understand.